RAIN® SOUL Nutrition Found at the Core

A seed is the beginning of life. Every nutrient, every vitamin, every mineral composed in a fruit grew out of a simple seed. Rain Soul is a product that taps into this natural power of seeds by extracting nutrients directly from their origin. Non-GMO and preservative-free, Rain Soul consists of an organic formula that will give you the synergistic boost that you need to look and feel healthy.

Rain soul combines the raw power of three seeds, d-ribose, and other plant-based ingredients for an antioxidant, vitamin, and mineral-rich blend. With augmented bio-availability, the product offers essential nutrients that your body needs to combat damaging free radicals and promote a healthy immune system.

Some of this seed’s nutritional properties include:

  • High source of antioxidants
  • Ellagic acids (which help fight cancer cells)
  • Vitamin E and several B vitamins
  • Fiber, potassium, and calcium
  • Essential fatty acids
  • More!

This ingredient offers a wide range of nutritional properties for a holistic approach to health. Read our blog post 5 Reasons You Should Eat Black Raspberry Seeds for more information on this outstanding ingredient.

Some of the uses for black raspberry seeds include:

  • Prevent/fight cancer*
  • Boost collagen production
  • Support healthy joints
  • Boost immunity
  • Support heart health


Considered one of the safest and most effective plant extracts for human consumption, black cumin seeds have been used for over their medicinal powers for over 2500 years. In fact, even the Ancient Egyptian pharaoh King Tut was buried with black cumin seeds. Today, over 650 scientific studies have been conducted on the benefits of this natural ingredient.

  • Boost immunity*
  • Help maintain regular blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol levels*
  • Support digestive health
  • Help treat respiratory conditions like asthma and improve coughing and wheezing from allergies, flu, bronchitis, etc.*
  • Be used to supplement cancer treatment

Black cumin seeds offer many nutritional properties including:

  • Natural antioxidants
  • Vitamin E
  • Essential oil, ie Omega 3, 6 & 9

Black Raspberry Seeds

Another main ingredient in Rain Soul, black raspberry seeds are exceptionally rich in antioxidants like the phytonutrient ellagitannin. Antioxidants support the body by reversing the damaging effects of free radicals on a cellular level, giving you a rejuvenated look and feel (more on this later). In fact, antioxidants are essential to maintaining healthy bodily functions as they eliminate harmful toxins and they can enhance the body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients and minerals.

 Black raspberry seeds have also been used to fight and prevent cancer thanks to their high concentration of ellagic acids, which break up fatty tissue and prevent the formation of tumors. In addition, these seeds have also been used to support healthy joints thanks to their abundance of polyphenols, which keep joints lubricated, and their ability to synthesize healthy collagen production which creates strong cartilage.

Chardonnay Grape Seeds

This natural anti-allergen and anti-inflammatory ingredient is the last seed included in Rain Soul. While these seeds were often discarded after their grapes were juiced, they are now recognized for their high nutritional potency. Like the other seeds included in the Rain Soul formula, chardonnay grape seeds offer natural antioxidants that can provide a wide range of benefits.


In fact, a recent research study conducted at the University of Kentucky found that these seeds were able to neutralize 76% of the exposed cancer cells by activating the “JNK” protein in the body which regulates their pathways.

 Black raspberry seeds have also been used to fight and prevent cancer thanks to their high concentration of ellagic acids, which break up fatty tissue and prevent the formation of tumors. In addition, these seeds have also been used to support healthy joints thanks to their abundance of polyphenols, which keep joints lubricated, and their ability to synthesize healthy collagen production which creates strong cartilage.

Some of the uses of chardonnay grape seeds include:

  • Preventing and fighting cancer*
  • Detoxify the body after chemotherapy*
  • Regulate cholesterol
  • Improve brain power and prevent cognitive diseases
  • Fight free radicals
  • Improve immunity
  • Improve complexion

These great uses can be achieved with chardonnay grape seeds thanks to their nutritional components which include:

  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Flavonoids
  • More!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.